Looking to build an online course for more revenue?
We provide you with expert consultations, project management, design and development in order for you to do just that in as little as 6 weeks!
About Me
Hi there! I'm Miranda Martin, a Senior Instructional Systems Designer with a M.S. in Instructional Design. As the COO of Hallart Solutions, LLC, our team and myself provide consultations to U.S. Government Agencies, Universities and small businesses. I have more than a decade of experience in entrepreneurship and have consulted across numerous industries and for various U.S. Government Agencies. I support professionals & entrepreneurs of all backgrounds to create life changing and career enhancing online courses and virtual professional development trainings.
ePortfolio Highlights
Featured Clients
Online Course Consultation: 1 Hour Ad Hoc*
Passive Income Strategy Session*
Hallart Solutions Custom Software or eLearning Solutions Package*
*Please book a call or email MM@MirandaLMartin.com